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My first experience: the hardcore Scrum

Around 2008, my unit manager decided to introduce new software development methodologies in the unit, for example automatic tests, Scrum and Extreme Programming. Both of them were new methodologies at the company, so the engineers got more help, for example training, external experts and more time with patience.

This article is a part of my Scrum series, see with free links (including to this article):
I like Scrum. The good Scrum.

Picture by Quino Al on Unsplash

The story

My unit was already organized as a matrix organization: the line managers looked after the people (including competence development and career path) and “owns” their resources, the project managers assigned the work to the resources (teams, developers, testers, etc.).

The Scrum was introduced in a stable team which had been working on a product for years, so there was no lack of tech competence. We got a more-hour training and the book InfoQ Book: Scrum and XP from the Trenches by Henrik Kniberg.

The team got full support from the management to introduce Scrum, for example we got an agile coach, too, who already had experience in Scrum. If we ask any help to follow the Scrum, the management accomplished it, if it was possible. The agile coach and the line manager joined each of Scrum meetings in the first…

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